The logo for emery county school district shows a mountain and a book.

student health & wellness

A black and white icon of a syringe on a white background.

Immunization Requirements

Access the Utah Department of Health's website outlining the required immunizations by clicking this link: School Immunization Requirement

Please keep in mind that immunization requirements apply to all incoming kindergarten and seventh grade students. Students that are new to the district will also need to be current on immunizations.

Information will be provided upon registration. Information to complete an exemption for immunization may be accessed on the Utah Department of Health: Immunization Program website. Follow the directions under Online Immunization Education Module.

PLEASE NOTE: Immunization exemption must be completed at kindergarten and again at seventh grade. When the education module is completed, an exemption certificate will be emailed. The certificate must be provided to the school.

Medical Conditions

If you have a child with a special consideration...

Contact our District School Nurses at 435-381-2252

Lori Tuttle BSN-RN 

Per district policy and Utah State Laws, certain forms are required:


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