The logo for emery county school district shows a mountain and a book.

Special Education

Child Find

Child Find (34 CFR §300.111; USBE SER II.A)

If a student is receiving instruction and interventions(s) in grade-level standards from qualified staff and is still not making adequate progress, and a disability is suspected, the Child Find mandate of IDEA is triggered. Under this law, local education agencies (LEAs) have a duty to identify and evaluate students they suspect may need special education and related services (between the ages of 3 and 21) regardless of the severity of the disability. This includes students suspected of being students with a disability even though they are advancing from grade to grade. The determination that a student is a “student with a disability” must be made on an individual basis, by a team consisting of the parent, legal guardian, or adult student and school personnel determined by the student’s LEA.

If your child is under three (3) year old, Early Intervention, a home-based program, will arrange to discuss your concerns with you and evaluate your child.

For children ages three (3) through five (5), local school personnel use a screening tool to check your child’s development or performance in the following acres that affect development and learning in school:

• Person –Social

• Adaptive

• Motor

• Communication

• Cognitive

If you know of a student in Kindergarten through the age of 21 who has major difficulty with attendance, organizational skills, learning or understanding, speaking or writing, getting along with others, making adjustment in different situations or completing tasks, this difficulty may be a result of a disability. Emery School District is looking for any students who might have difficulties resulting from a disability who might need special education services in order to succeed in school.

• For children age birth through three (3) call Michelle Burton or Tammy Allred 613-5012

• For children age three (3) to five (5), call Amanda Nelson 435-749-0216, Preschool specialist, at and ask for preschool screening information.

• For children age five (5) to 21, call JR Jones, Special Education Director/504 Director, at 435-687-9846.

If you have a child or know of a child that you believe may be eligible for early intervention, special education services or 540/ADA accommodations, please contact us now to have his/her progress checked.

Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship (CSS)

• “School districts and charter schools are required by Utah law, 53A1a-704(10), to inform parents of students with IEPs enrolled in public schools, of the availability of a scholarship to attend a private school through the Carson Smith Scholarship Program”.

• Internet website maintained by the USOE that provides prospective applicants and their parents with program information and application forms for CSS Program.


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